When doing a Spiritual Ceremony, it always begins by creating Sacred Space. It is an area, a space that is designated as sacred, not part of everyday space that is in our everyday world. By making sacred space, it is cleansed of lower vibrations from smudging with Sage in the form of a Circle. You too are smudged before smudging a circle so that you have left ordinary space and now in Sacred, spiritual space. By cleansing a space, it allows higher vibrations from the beautiful, spiritual realms and opportunity to be invited in.

We can start by cleansing our own backyards, our attitudes, and our actions. This is one form of learning self-respect. When we respect ourselves and all of life, we then hold a point of view that allows us to command more space, use more talents and walk in balance as guardians of the planetary Sacred Space.
To make Sacred Space, go into the silence of your favorite place in nature and walk among your relatives of the Family. Listen carefully. Ask what they suggest for you personally. Teach your children how to make Sacred Space and to have opinions of their own.

Find the center of your Sacred Space where you can take a breath and briefly hold it, then exhale. Sacred Space is between the in-breath and the out-breath. By doing a deep breath, you are releasing stress and not bringing it into your spiritual space. This brings us into balance. This allows us to then respect all things as having the right to heal our imbalances. When we adopt this point of view, there is no need to judge ourselves or be hard on ourselves during our own healing process.

Most of all, being in Sacred Space insists that we honor the important role of every life-form in the universe. The bad, the negative and bitterness can be transformed and be honored in Sacred Space. It allows us to realize that we are all connected and from the same family. That is why a common saying among indigenous people is, “We are all related” which is often stated at the end of a prayer or the end of a teaching.

Fill your space with meaningful items. The items you place in your space don't have to be elaborate or expensive.
Have a special ceremony to inaugurate the space. When you feel ready, you can take some time to set a positive intention for the space that you've marked out.
Make this a place of ritual and reflection, and allow it to change over time.
Use sage, sweetgrass or other herbs that are lit with fire and blown out to make smoke. Move it in a clockwise circle in your space for cleansing and shifting the energy. This allows the energy to go to a higher, spiritual level while leaving the every day world behind.
A rattle, drum or feather can also be used to cleanse or draw good medicine into the Sacred Circle.

Sacred Space can be made in your home. Maybe it would be in the corner of a room, a whole room, or a drawer that is opened in a cabinet. Or maybe it is a spot in your garden or a tree in your yard. Your Sacred Circle Space is a safe space for you to go to and focus your prayers. You may share it or only keep it for yourself. But it will always be center of peace, harmony and love for you.
by Wind Daughter, Panther Wind Woman
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