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Garden Whimsy

Since we live close to the bay, it's always important to make time for some fun in the sun and water.

Here's a trellis with a nod to Grandfather Sun that's holding up an Asian tree fern.

This Buddha sits in a bird bath that I try to keep full of water for the winged ones. This corner provides a quiet place for reflection.

And here is a statue of Aphrodite hanging out in a shady bed of oxalis.

Another homage to Grandfather Sun hangs on part of our fence.

The wheels on this garden ornament used to turn in the wind but now are rusted in place. It's another reminder to take time to have fun.

Here's a red honeysuckle that's taking advantage of another trellis installed next to this section of fence.

And on our patio in the backyard, there are a couple of pots of Sansevieria (aka snake plants or mother-in-law's tongues).

Thanks for joining me for another tour of my garden. As you can tell, I love spending time out here enjoying both plants and animals.

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